Top SUP Stories - 04/22/2014
- Written by Staff
- Published in News
Welcome to the Supconnect Weekly Recap, our countdown of the Top 5 biggest news, reviews, interviews and features surrounding the world of Stand Up Paddleboarding. If you’ve got anything newsworthy, weird or worth reading about, don’t be shy to share the scoop with us via e-mail.
5. Fun On A Big SUP
Heat Score - 64
How much fun are big SUP's? Crazy fun. That's how much. Check out this awesome clip of Ausie surfing legend, Luke Egan, along with Trevor Hendy, Jake Jensen, Paul Jackson and Steve Walker sharing a few waves on a plus-sized inflatable. Look out for LOTS more of these in Summer 2014 and beyond.
Click here to watch the movie.
4. SUP The Amazon
Heat Score - 71
SUP travel and adventure are two concepts that go hand in hand these days. With the travel industry venturing to the furthest and most beautiful corners of the word and SUP technology allowing paddlers to take their boards along for the ride,it's going to be very exciting to see where things are going. Below are the details of what could be the SUP adventure of a lifetime. Ernie Brassard and Douglas Stoup of Ice Axe Expeditions are offering a 10 day river trip along the Brazilian Amazon. Read below for full details.
Click to see how you can sign up.
3. Bote's Chainmail Boards
Heat Score - 78
BOTE's new chainmail technology is strong, light and reliable - exactly what you want from board built to last more than a few strokes around the block. This week week we're looking at a recent article by BOTE, which looks at the idea, process and finer points behind their new chainmail technology - and what makes it so special.
Click to read the full article.
2. 6 Facts About The LIFTSUP
Heat Score - 80
For anyone new to paddle boarding, LiftSUP the original retractable handle created by the science buffs at SUP Think Tank, specifically designed for Stand Up Paddle Boards. These technically advanced, injection molded handles make transporting your board easy - quite something when you're talking about something up to fourteen feet long. But they're useful for more than just carrying your board. Here's 6 big Reasons the LiftSUP is arguably the most useful, multi-purpose and downright handy SUP accessory on the market.
Click here to read the full article.
1. Slater Live At Noon!
Heat Score - 81
Today, April 21, 2014, FCS and Boardworks athlete, Slater Trout, will be doing a live interview at the Supconnect studio in San Diego at noon. That's right - he'll be right here, on our couch, shooting the breeze with the team, talking about his recent demolition run in contests and a host of other interesting topics, including his life in California, his 4-0 to start the the race season and making team USA that will compete in the ISA World Championships in Nicaragua next month.
Click here to get the link to the live interview with Slater Trout.
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