
Paddle Tank Experimentation with Jim Terrell

Ever wondered what it takes to be an elite standup paddle board racer? Just recently a highly secretive video came out, divulging some of the ultra-classified training regimen of sup racer Jim Terrell.

Jim Terrell in blue surrounded by Anthony Vela and Candice Appleby in the Paddle Tank


DANA POINT, California – Jim Terrell, a former Olympic canoe racer and now stand up paddle designer from Southern California, has built what he is calling a “Paddle Tank.” Designed to enhance the form during a stroke, the tank places the paddler on a central platform completely surrounded by mirrors. With all those different angles to look at oneself, he or she is then able to get a real-time insight into his or her form, an insight otherwise unavailable.

For anyone thinking about going fast on a stand up paddle board, form is key. Although fitness is essential for performance, form is the mean through which fitness gets translated into speed. And there is nothing better than looking at oneself in the mirror to get an instant insight into one’s form. Obviously, you want to have a grasp on the different paddle stroke theories to be able to spot what you’re doing right and wrong. Also, practice is paramount, since that’s what will give you the gradual fin-tuning and muscle memory building needed for performance. But now, with Terrell’s paddle tank, there is one more tool out there to help you go fast! (Follow Supconnect on Facebook and Twitter for lastest on Sup World.)

What would you like to know from the stand up paddle pro’s?


Last modified onSunday, 06 May 2012 01:48

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