About Us
- Written by Staff
- Published in Uncategorised
Connecting Paddlers Around the World to Help Us Grow More Connected and Stronger as a Community.
Standup paddlers at the Battle of the Paddle in Dana Point, CA during the relay race on October, 2010. Photo: Andre Niemeyer
Helping Lead the Way
In 2007, the year My Local Lineup was founded, when wooden paddles were still widely used, sup races largely done on surfboards, and virtually no media company wanted to touch the sport due to its highly controversial relation with surfing, we were there on the field, among the few standup paddlers around, witnessing and giving media coverage to the explosive growth of the sport, and seeing standup paddling go from our small group of friends to unthinkable corners of the world.
Since then, we've worked relentlessly in our service to the standup paddle community, a work that has led us to launch the world's first Standup Paddle TV (both on cable and online), a feature loaded section on our website exclusively dedicated to standup paddling, and now a revolutionizing online platform through Sup Connect. Today, among Standup Paddle TV, Sup Connect, and our alliance with the Standup Journal, our media arm spans over television, web, and print. (Visit Achievements for more on company history.)
About Sup Connect
Sup Connect is the online stand up paddle arm of My Local Lineup, an action sports media company based in San Diego, whose trademark is its all-inclusive and socially oriented approach to water sports. Through SupConnect.com, the company offers several resources for standup paddlers around the world, including Standup Paddle TV, an Online Standup Paddle Community, Tutorials, and more. My Local Lineup also features Standup Paddle TV on its cable television show on iTV channel 16 in San Diego County. (Read about company's president, Andre Niemeyer.)

Submit your news, events, and all SUP info, so we can keep promoting and driving the great lifestyle of stand up paddling, building its community, and introducing people to healthier living.
Website: supconnect.com