Watermans Paddle for Humanity Goes Big in Texas
- Written by Staff
- Published in News
Watermans Paddle for Humanity goes big with a clinic, race & parties in Texas on the 14th and 15th of Sept.
Sunset at Lady Bird Lake in Austin, Texas.
AUSTIN, Texas - What started on the sandy shores of California is ending in the heart of Texas. The Watermans Paddle for Humanity will hold the final event of the five stop 2012 series on Town Lake in Austin,Texas, September 15th. The Paddle for Humanity brings with it a unique mix of fun and competition that makes participation a must for all paddlers, from first time participants to the elite racer.
The impetus behind the Watermans Paddle for Humanity is bringing paddlers together. Never before has the community rallied as strong as 2012. “My favorite thing about this event is seeing all the paddlers... the experience of sharing something so fun with like minded people is amazing... everyone just comes together and has a blast,” says event director and Watermans Applied Science brand manager, Pete Stirling. Over 600 participants and hundreds of spectators have attended Paddle for Humanity events in 2012, paddling everything from inflatable Standup Paddle boards with dogs on deck to the most hi-end racing boards.
Bringing paddling to the people is nothing new for event sponsor SUP ATX, who has built a thriving business on bringing the new sport of Standup Paddling to Austin. “We are proud to be working with Paddle for Humanity,” said SUP ATX CEO, Chris Dunn. “Our mission is to bring SUP from the oceans to the lakes and rivers around the world and Austin is the ideal city to showcase SUP.” SUP ATX leads the way in making Standup Paddling affordable and accessible to all with their focus on quality, performance and price. SUP ATX will be hosting the event pre-party on Friday and holding a sale in conjunction with the event.
The Watermans Paddle for Humanity is a family-friendly event that caters to paddlers of all ages and skill levels. The fifth and final stop in the national tour will feature a 5K fun paddle and a 10K distance paddle, giving participants a tour of the downtown region. Austin will also feature the Chuck Patterson Rally, affectionately called the CPR by fans, is a spectator friendly event that promises to challenges the bodies and minds of competitors. Patterson will be attending the event.
List of Information:
Charities: http://www.paddleforhumanity.org/html/Charities.html
Register for the Paddle for Humanity at: http://www.active.com/water-sports/austin-tx
For more information including dates, locations and registration visit www.paddleforhumanity.org
The Paddle For Humanity is a sanctioned WPA event series. For more information visit www.worldpaddleassociation.com
About the Paddle for Humanity:
The Watermans Applied Science Paddle for Humanity has raised more than $50,000USD for charity since its inception in 2009 and helped galvanize paddling communities across the country. The PFH is open to all paddle craft. For more info visit www.paddleforhumanity.org
About the Chuck Patterson:
Chuck Patterson is an inspiring person. He is 6’2” and weighs 220 pounds. He competes at the pro level in five different sports: stand up paddling, tow-in surfing, kite surfing, skiing and snowboarding. For more info visit www.chuckpattersonsports.com

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