
9 Ways to Have Fun on Group SUPs

Stand up paddle boarding is on the upward trend in participation and with that comes more opportunities for even more fun. In the past couple of years we’ve seen the rise in popularity for group SUPs, as in a paddle board that can hold a group of paddlers at one time. Here we’ve listed 9 ways you can have fun on a group SUP.

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Destinations With Epic Views

Find your sense of balance and become one with nature on your next SUP adventure. Whether you’re looking to ride some waves with a view of coconut tree-lined shores or glide along tranquil waters surrounded by alpine mountains, we’ve got you covered.

  • Published in Travel

The Common Misconception of Stance

Recently while at the beach and during retreats I’ve noticed a common error in people paddle surfing in the line-up: their stance. Stance in the line-up is one of the main important items we teach at our SUP ‘n’ Surf Retreats. Why?

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Top 5 SUP Destinations in USA

After about 5 years on the road Mike Tavares and his trusty sidekick Shredder have explored countless coastlines, rivers, and lakes from coast to coast. 

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SUP Surfing - Things To Know

Ever wonder what you need to know when it comes to SUP surfing? Here are the top 4 essentials to know in SUP surfing according to Sean Poynter.

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5 Places to Paddle in Cold Weather

When thinking of stand up paddling many imagine the warm, clear waters of somewhere tropical like Hawaii, Tahiti, or Florida as the perfect, most beautiful places to get on a SUP and explore.

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The Benefit Of Training Indoors

Between wind, weather, chop, swell, no babysitter, working too many hours and missing daylight, and a plethora of other reasons, sometimes the day just doesn’t allow for getting on the water. So, while we can accept the fact that indoor SUP training definitely is not as stress-relieving and euphoric as actually being on the water, it does have quite a few benefits. And when done appropriately, can be affordable AND highly effective.

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10 Nutrition Tips for Peak SUP Performance

Nothing puts more of a damper on your downwinder than quick crash of energy and stamina. And even the most proficient of paddlers, and strategic of strokes will lose steam if the fuel coming in is lacking the proper nutrients. If you are looking to increase your speed, replenish your muscles after race training, achieve 3-legged down dog, or simply just wanting some healthy snacks to carry with you on your typical Sunday Funday, Jodelle Fitzwater put together her Top 10 Nutrition tips to keep you SUP-er strong and paddling long!

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Tips To Improve Your SUP Surf Performance

Now that you’re hooked to the feeling of riding waves you’re probably ready to step it up and start improving your skills. We’ve gathered tips and advice from some of the top SUP surfing pros from around the globe to help guide you towards your goal of becoming a better stand up paddle surfer.

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