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SUP'ers Gather at Bob's Mission Shop

Bob Long (center) talks stand up paddle boards with Boardworks Surf chief operating officer, Bob Rief (right). Bob Long (center) talks stand up paddle boards with Boardworks Surf chief operating officer, Bob Rief (right).

Video: Bob Long Talks About His SUP History

Bob Long talks about how he got into the sport of stand up paddling and goes into how Rick Thomas influenced him.

View images from Stand Up Paddle Bob's Mission

SAN DIEGO, CA -- In the beginning of this week, stand-up surfers and sympathizers gathered at Bob’s Mission Surf Shop, Pacific Beach to share the surf stories equivalent to “big fish” tales, discuss the different theories of board and paddle design, and feast on a flavorful Hawaiian barbecue. This gathering was held Monday evening as the first part of a twofold stand-up event.

On the following day, Tuesday morning from 8am to 12pm, the stand-up company C4 and Bob’s Mission Surf Shop held a Demo Day at Tourmaline State Park, where myriad boards were made available to the public and coffee and donuts religiously provided. The surf was in the waist to shoulder-high range, winds fairly light early in the morning but picking up later, and the turnout quite substantial, with 16 stand-up surfers at somepoint in the lineup.

This “tradition” of twofold events has been initiated by C4 in an attempt to fuel not only the growth of the stand-up movement, but also promote a community spirit. The first event of this fashion was held farther up the coast, where Jeff Warner of Legend’s Surf Shop, Carlsbad hosted the gathering and San Onofre provided the waves.

Last modified onThursday, 27 August 2015 17:54

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